All ATLYSS PVP Skill Ranking List (Updated)

All ATLYSS PVP Skill Ranking List (Updated)
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All ATLYSS PVP Skill Ranking List – Some PvP are great while some are not great, this ranking list provides insight about all you need to know about ATLYSS.

All ATLYSS PVP Skill Ranking List


This is a list of current (implemented) skills rated and explained their usage in pvp, from what I have personally found and learned from other players over time.

Everything shown is ultimately subjective; you may find other uses for these abilities that suit your playstyle—experiment with them with this final suggestion.

All ATLYSS PVP Skill Ranking List

The rankings assume that the respective fights are in a 1v1/2v2/3v3 context, without the use of carrot cakes/healing items.


RecoverAll ATLYSS PVP Skill Ranking List

Rank: S

Heals for 8%/8%/16%/16%/24% every tick over 2.3/1.95/1.95/1.6/1.6 seconds. Lasts 5 seconds and is canceled by taking any damage.

This is important everywhere in the game and is mandatory due to Pvp with the amount of damage other players can do from so few attacks.

Whether or not you win certain fights will depend on your ability to dodge and make safe casts until you kill someone who can’t.

You don’t need many points to be effective. 8% or 16% heals is more than enough to fill your entire health bar for the full duration of the effect, to the point where the 4th and 5th points are something you’d only need if you’re high powered and you desire to be very aggressive. to the point where you walk up to people while healing.

Leg upAll ATLYSS PVP Skill Ranking List

Rank: S

Increases movement speed by 3%/8%/12%/16%/25% for 10/10/10/15/15 seconds.

There are few cases where it can be lived without. But in its place there needs to be something with enough mobility to justify what you lose here, like Blink.

Anyone, including Mystics, can use this ultra versatile skill for pretty much anything, stalking, kiting, juking, etc.

It used to have the same property as Recover, it was dispelled on any damage, now it’s exempt from that condition, it’s awesome.

In a game where mobility = survival, any source of additional speed is an essential asset you need in your gear.

Coupled with this, speed buffs also affect the distance of your dashes for even more agility. Mind the mana cost and use it often to close distances and vice versa.

Rock TossAll ATLYSS PVP Skill Ranking List

Rank: B

Throws a fast moving rock that deals 5 pure damage. 0.35/0.3/0.25 cast time and 2/1.45/0.9 seconds CD.

Forward is a universal ranged attack that has consistent enough damage that around 4-6 hits can cause an average player’s health pool to recover.

Its uses don’t stop there, as its real power lies in how ridiculously ******** fast this spell comes out, to the point where this spell can be comboed into and out of anything you can do. in the game. snazzy? Throw a rock.

Fluxbolt casting? Add a stone to it. Are you going to jump on someone? Start with a rock. Anything with a longer cast time can be broken if timed very closely when you make your move as well.

However, this is placed at B level, but relative to other spells that you can invest points into and get more use out of them.

Novice skills have a wide range of uses, but by the time you invest in Legup and Recover, you’ll need to start specifying your true class skills, and the other tools you get from Novice are almost at their peak.

However, if your plan is to defeat Mystics, you might want to consider using this particular spell and don’t forget to also think about what an extra point in Fluxbolt or Blood Gush can do for you. Rock Toss has uses, but you have to find it where you can.


StompAll ATLYSS PVP Skill Ranking List

Rank: S

Deals 19 (100%)/ 25 (174%)/ 31 (244%)/38 (316%)/44 (388%)/51 (460%) physical damage in a circle around the caster and adds a short time slow. 0.3 occupancy times.

Manacost: 6/6/8/8/10/10 CD: 3 seconds

If you’re a mystic, you hate it. If you’re a Fighter, you love it. It says something that with base numbers, max rank has so much power.

With high damage, lightning fast casting, and pure AoE, this is an excellent skill that every fighter should consider.

It’s great for transitioning into attack and strong in defending against approach.

Critical hit stomp is the equivalent of critical missile from tf2, keep that in mind.

In combat, your goal is to land this on your enemy at every opportunity.

If they survive, you’ll finish them off with a permanent slow debuff that applies.

Remember that dash distance is affected by movement speed and combo into skills or a flurry of weapon swings.

Aside from lunging at someone to hit it, just have this skill to create a circle around you that won’t make people dodge unless they’re sure they can hit you safely.

Use it often but wisely, you can end up OOMing very easily.


Rank: B

Deals 5/8/15/20/25/32 attack power for 8 seconds.

Manacost: 5 CD: 12 seconds

This is just a straight weapon and skill damage steroid. 5 mana for about as much attack power as a full set of assassins.

Use being aggressive, pressure and make room for either teammates or scare someone into letting you regenerate.

Taking it means you’re not only taking away a slot from more mobile abilities for your bar, but also the skill points that could go into them.

It’s a great support ability though for what you already do best, and can even be great for replacing Killer gear (tank builds).

Lethal Strike

Rank: C

A channel charge skill that builds up flies forward, dealing 25 (100%)/ 28 (135%)/ 32 (170%)/ 35 (205%)/ 39 (240%) physical damage and knocking back targets in the air; requires equipping melee weapons.

Initial charge time is 1.15/0.99/0.83/0.67/0.51 seconds.

Manacost: 5/5/7/7/9 CD: 6.25 seconds

The hitbox for this ability isn’t actually centered around your character, but in the space in front of it.

In addition to this fact, the distance you travel when you unleash this skill is a tiny bit further than a normal dash would take you, and the impact of the skill will throw people in the direction the skill triggered.

Thanks for reading our post on All ATLYSS PVP Skill Ranking List, make sure always to drop comments, and don’t also forget that suggestions are allowed.

Written By: Quackjack

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