How To Finish Freedom Mansion Rebirth in The Outlast Trials

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How To Finish Freedom Mansion Rebirth in The Outlast Trials – This guide contains everything you need to get through the freedom mansion rebirth.

How To Finish Freedom Mansion Rebirth in The Outlast Trials

Basic instructions

The mansion is a repeat of the tutorial map with the objectives reversed and is the culmination of what you learned in the exams is divided into 5 separate objectives:

  • Returning boxes
  • Getting the keys
  • Frequency tuning
  • Returning the reel
  • Escape

Don’t be afraid to take your time to get through the mansion as there is no time limit.

Returning boxes

When you first spawn into a level, you’ll encounter a room that looks like this

How To Finish Freedom Mansion Rebirth in The Outlast Trials

The main thing you need to do is to return the boxes to the rooms where you found them in the tutorial.

They will be at the end of each corridor past the locked gates.

Each box will be placed in front of the corridor you need to bring it to, don’t try to bring it to the opposite room as it won’t work.

Room 1

Room 2

These rooms will each be guarded by one large grunt. However, the large grunt can be bypassed with a stun/blind rig, or with bricks and bottles found throughout the level.

Keep in mind that there are alternate routes in the hallway to avoid the big grunts, especially if you can hear them nearby.

Remember stealth and darkness are your friends.

Once you return both boxes, you can head down the stairs.

Getting the keys

Once you head down the stairs, you should arrive at an area that looks like this.

Make sure you remember the 2 key tracks shown on the TVs as they will be shuffled after each play and you won’t be able to see the tracks on the overlay.

Turn around and go through this door and the gate beyond to enter the Courtyard section.

Once you’re in the courtyard, there will only be one enemy in this section, the Night Hunter.

He has night vision, so either:

– Be stealthy enough to get around him in this part (if you turn on your noise indicator and crouch you’ll see if he detects you)

– Have a stun/blind kit or bricks and bottles ready for this section. In this section, there are a lot of bricks lying around on the ground, by the walls, and by the walls of the pavilion.

The keys will be in the bodies scattered around the area across the gate.


Remember to only search the bodies with the correct symbols, if not you can get a nasty electric shock.

Once you have both keys, return to the mansion and open the gates.

Frequency tuning

Once you’ve unlocked both gates, your next objective will be to tune in the frequencies, these transmitters can be found inside the areas previously blocked by the two gates.

There will be 3 frequencies on the map that you will need to adjust.

They look like this:

They normally spawn in a 2 to 1 configuration (2 in 1 sector, 1 in the other), but in very rare cases they may all choose to spawn on the same side of the map.

There will be 1 regular expo in each sector and they can easily be dealt with a bottle to dispel or a brick/stun/blind kit.

You can also choose to lure them away first before trying to hunt down your targets.

I would recommend entering the sector to your right (when entering from the Courtyard) first, as you can look for a winch when operating the transmitters.

Less recognizable spawns include:

– At the very back of the kitchen (right sector)

The room right after the room with the projector (left sector)


Once you’ve found all the transmitters in the right sector, you can grab the winch if you haven’t already and exit through the previously barricaded door in the kitchen for easy access to the hallway and the left sector.

Be aware that the left sector can sometimes spawn a cheater after the projection room, so be careful if you hear the elevator prompt.

Returning the reel

The reel will be in the sector to the right as you come from the yard.

There is a barricaded door next to the gate and also stairs if you don’t know which side it is on.

You can choose to look for it when you search for transmitters on this side of the map.

It is easier to find than the transmitters because the coil only appears in this sector.

If you are having trouble finding the reel, you may find it easier to look for it without night vision as the coil will be highlighted in the dark.

There are 14 possible reels in this sector, divided into 6 rooms:

– Entrance room (1st room)

1 possible spawn

– Prayer room (2nd room)

2 possible spawns

– Room in front of the courtyard (3rd room)

4 possible spawns

– Hallway to the yard (room 4)

3 possible spawns

– Dining room (5th room)

2 possible spawns

– Kitchen (6th room)

2 possible spawns

Once you get the winch and set the frequencies in this area, you can leave through the barricaded door in the kitchen or the hallway you came from.

Enter the opposite sector, note that there will be an expo, and insert the disc into the projector.

Be aware that once you enter the room after the projector, a cheater can sometimes appear, so listen to the elevator prompt.


Once you are done with the reels and signals, you can leave the mansion.

Exit through the now open double doors and head straight outside.

Once you’re at the shuttles, turn right and notice this door.

Go through the door and climb onto the ledge. Follow the linear path, but make sure you have your stamina back before you fall off this ledge.

You will now be chased by the main asset, simply follow the corridor.

Once you pass through the corridor, open the door, it’s time for your rebirth.

Thanks for reading our post on How To Finish Freedom Mansion Rebirth in The Outlast Trials, make sure always to drop comments, and don’t also forget that suggestions are allowed.

Written By: Bineapple

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