SUMMERHOUSE Key Bind Guide List

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SUMMERHOUSE Key Bind Guide List – Here are all the known ways you can move the camera.

SUMMERHOUSE Key Bind Guide List

Keyboard output

Q Moves the position of the blocks CLOSER to the screen

E Moves the position of the blocks AWAY from the screen

H Toggles UI/HUD on and off

R STARTS and STOPS playback of a player’s lineup

J Toggles the current environment one left

R Toggles the current environment by one RIGHT


So far these are all the different keys I have found.

Keyboard output

LMB Place blocks

RMB Randomly go through all the blocks in the game

I Switch current tool and EYEDROPPER TOOL

LEFT ALT HOLD Works the same as me, but can be used at any time without switching to the eyedropper tool tab

F Mirrors the current object and flips it horizontally

Z Returns all blocks placed as many times as needed

LEFT SHIFT + Z Repeats all placed blocks as many times as needed

Y RETURNS all blocks placed as many times as needed

LEFT SHIFT + Y Repeats all placed blocks as many times as needed

ENTER KEY RESTORES selected object | Can also be used as a RIGHT CLICK in the random blocks tab

X Toggle block breaking mode, option to remove all placed objects


Those are all the cheeky handcuffs game makers use.

Keyboard output

F1 Show current game version | At the top right of the screen

F2 Display FPS and response time | Top left of the screen

F3 Developer Console | Bottom left screen

F4 Pause and unpause console output | Bottom left screen

ENTER ENTER Double-click enter in the Developer Console (F3) to enter and view logs

waswsfds IDK but I hope they add it as cheat code 9;

Okay you should know that this is my first guide on this platform, I hope it’s decent.

I really enjoyed this game enough to make it.

I hope the format is not annoying.

Side note I work in the computer industry myself and I’ve noticed developers using the command line editor VI Key Binds lol.

Like x removes the character from the command line and you can destroy things with x in the game.

Thanks again for coming to the stacks ted talk here is a picture of my first build.

SUMMERHOUSE Key Bind Guide List

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Written By: Awptistic

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