WVM Walkthrough

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WVM WalkthroughThis guide contains information for both the cheat and loyal paths. A bonus walkthrough on both paths is written in a way to get the most girls possible with a harem ending.

WVM Walkthrough

Cheat and Loyal Sections

WVM currently has 2 main paths – a ‘Cheat’ path and a ‘Loyal’ path. The cheat path currently contains the most content and girls whereas the loyal path blocks some content and some girls (at least for now, as there may be a chance to get them in future updates). This walkthrough will contain information for both the cheat and loyal paths. Also the walkthrough on both paths is written in a way to get the most girls possible with a harem ending.

Transgender/Female Content

WVM has the option to choose between transgender or female for a character named Shauna (MC’s best friend).This also effects another character called Penelope (MC’s classmate at WVM). The walkthrough will not feature full seperate sections for the transgender sub-paths as the choices are down to your personal preference if you want to touch a trans girls dick. Also there is a Trans FtM character called Skye who is a romanceable character.

WVM Walkthrough (Cheat Path)

WVM Day One Walkthrough (August 26th 2023)

Jamie: Oh yeah? Did seeing this outfit make your entire day?

[You make my everyday] (Results in a kiss)

[Not Yet]

Shauna: So please promise me that you’ll let me handle my own battles. I don’t want you to have to worry about me.

[Agree to stay out of it]

[Decline and say you’re there for her]

(Your choice)

Jamie: That’s fair. But when you’re ready we will find you your own [MC]

[There’s only one of me]

[You’ll find someone easily]

(Your choice)

MC: Should I take a closer look?

[Check her out] (Nice shot of her in denim shorts)

[Don’t check her out]

MC: This is a simple enough shot. I could make it if I wanted to. Or I could miss it to see what she can come up with.

[Make it]

[Miss it] (Shauna dares you to slap Jamie’s ass which happens in later days)

(Your choice as it happens either way)

MC: Oh man, she put the idea of smacking asses into my head. Now I have a prime opportunity to smack hers. Should I take it?

[Smack her ass] (You smack her ass)

[Just pick her up]

MC: Should I? I could just pocket the extra and have it for later.

[Buy Shauna some earrings] (You buy shauna a pair of earrings)

[Pocket the extra cash]

MC: Of course not. I’m happy you told me. I just want to say that…

[Tell her you have feelings for her] (Leads to an option to cheat on Jamie)

[Nicely tell her you’re not interested]

Shauna: Like you said these are unexplored emotions for both of us. What if we explored them in secret? Jamie would never know.

[Agree to explore feelings in secret] (Beginning of cheat path and relationship with Shauna)

[Decline saying it would be wrong]

Rachael: Ahh, I see. Do you have any side girls? Are you loyal to her?

[Yes I’m loyal to her]

[So far]

(Your choice)

Rachael: What do you say?

[Agree to have casual sex] (Have sex with Rachael, leads to option to impregnate other woman)

[It’s too risky/immoral]

MC: I can just about imagine what they look like underneath

[Imagine what she looks like under] (See Rachael’s massive tits)

[Move on]

Rachael: Like I said I have a lot of picky girls. I need someone like you. Are you interested?

[Yes, I’m interested] (Allows you to fuck and impregnate woman known as Rachael Clients)

[No, that’s not for me]

MC: If I do this it’s to be the best I can be for Jamie.

[Have sex with her] (Have sex with Alexis, Only possible if you had sex with Rachael)


MC: I don’t know about this

[Shove the rest in] (Hurts shauna and asks you to pull out)


Liz: I haven’t seen you in a few weeks. Can I get a hug?



(Your choice)

Rachael: So what do you say? Is she worthy?

[Yes, Send her to me] (Allows you too fuck Anna later, also Rachael sends you a nice pic)

[Send more pictures] (View of her ass)

(Your choice)

Rachael: Convinced yet? (If picked ‘Send more pictures’)

[Yes, send her to me] (Allows you to fuck Anna later, also Rachael sends you a nice pic)

[Send one more] (Technically no negative effects but you are told you made her sad… meanie)

(Your choice)

Rachael: Please tell me yes or else I’m gonna have to console her all night. (If picked ‘Send one more’)

[Yes, Send her my way] (Allows you too fuck Anna later, also Rachael sends you a nice pic)

[I can’t do it]

WVM Day Two Walkthrough (August 27th 2023)

MC: Damien was real cool with me though. I can tell her that I don’t know or I can cover for Damien.

[Cover For Damien]

[Tell her the truth] (Makes it easier to pursue a relationship with Jasmine)

Jasmine: Thank you for telling me the truth though. (If you told her the truth)

[Hit on her] (Makes it easier to pursue a relationship with Jasmine)

[Move on]

MC: Here we go…

[‘Coach’ Harper]

[‘Mrs’ Harper] (She may act slightly annoyed till she realizes it’s you)

(Your choice)

Harper: I don’t think I’ve stopped smiling since you walked through those doors.

[Compliment her smile] (Smiley Harper)

[There’s plenty to smile about]

(Technically your choice as there’s no negative effects)

Azel: Ha, fair. I’ll get everything I need while we are out. What would you like?



(Your choice)

Zoe: So does that mean you’re not going to do it?

[Have sex with Liz] (Having sex with Liz now makes it easir to pursue a relationship with her)

[I can’t do it] (Makes it harder to pursue a relationship with Liz)

Bailey: So what do you think [MC]? Are you more a fan of smaller perky breasts like mine or are you a jugs like Elizabeth kind of man?



(Your hoice)

Damien: How are you liking life here so far at WVM [MC]?

[It’s great so far]

[Still getting used to it]

(Your choice)

MC: It’s fine Natalie. I’ve been hurt way worse before. It’s just a part of the game.

[Crack a joke] (Natalie won’t realize you are making a joke)

[Reafirm that it’s okay]

(Your choice)

Natalie: Okay.. Is it okay if I come by your practice tomorrow? Just to check on you?

[Sure, I don’t mind] (Nat will come to your practice)

[I’m going to be fine, there’s no need] (Nat won’t appear at practice)

MC: I need to stop thinking about it and just decide.

[Try to contact her] (You will call Rachael to help find your mom)

[Leave it be]

MC: He’s a cute little guy

[Pet the dog]

[Keep walking] (Fucking Asshole)

Anna: Thank you. Uhh.. I’m gonna be in town for a few more days. I know you start school tomorrow but would you like to meet up again sometime tomorrow?

[Yes, of course]

[Too busy tomorrow]

(Your choice as it has no efects)

Rachael: So.. Should I set a date?

[Yeah, set it up] (Allows for threesome with Keyana and her wife later on)

[No, not my type]

Liz: I guess I just want something like that.

[Kiss Her] (Makes it easier to pursue a relationship with Liz)

[Give her a hug]

Shauna: I’ll see you soon, I’ll be upstairs.

[Help Liz out]

[Leave her trapped]

(Your choice)

Shauna: Ohhhhhh… That was so fucking good.

[Cum inside her] (You cum inside of Shauna)

[Pull out] (You make a mess over Shauna’s back/ass)

(Your choice)

WVM Day Three Walkthrough (August 28th 2023)

Stacy: But he was weird. I was scared he was going to try something. He kept forcing compliments, calling me cute and sweet.

[Compliment her] (Stacy doesn’t mind when you’re complimenting her)

[Move conversation along]

Azel: Good luck honey. Show them all what you were born to do.

[Give her a goodbye kiss] (Allows for future kisses)

[Give her a hug]

(Your choice since no incest)

Charles: They got you didn’t they?

[Get hot] (Results with a telling off from Charles later on)

[Stay cool]

(Your choice)

Unknown Girl: Cat got your tongue? What do you think?

[Excuse yourself] (Ends scene and she thinks your an asshole)

[See where it goes] (Blowjob scene and you learn her name is Katie)

MC: What’s Emiko doing out here? She looks sad. Should I talk to her?

[Talk to Emiko] (She likes you more and maybe even crushing on you. Also results in a incident)

[Keep walking]

Jasmine: Do you think I should break up with Damien?



(Your choice doesn’t have any effects)

MC: I can’t remember what I told Rachael about the next ‘customer’.. Did I agree to meet her?

[Yes] (Meet with Keyana)


MC: There’s nothing from Anna. She did offer me to hang out today. Should I message her?

[Message her] (Allows you to meet with Anna to have sex later today)

[Don’t message her]

MC: Yeah, that’s not gonna work for me.

[Pull her on top of you]

[Push her down and get on top of her]

(Your choice)

Jamie: Not wrestle. Something soft. Put your hand on her leg or something.

[Do it] (Rests her hand on yours)

[Don’t do it]

Natalie: That sucks. I wish you could stay longer. I was having fun.

[Ask her to hang out with you sometime] (Asking Nat to hang out leaves her speechless)

[Keep it friendly]

WVM Day Four Walkthrough (August 29th 2023)

Damien: Sorry about that, stuff came up. I heard you three had a good time though.

[Confront him] (Jasmine hears and thanks you with a hug)

[Reach out as a friend]

Ayden: A few years… I guess I’m a little rusty.

[Joke around]

[Be a good teammate]

(Your choice)

MC: Like right now, he’s charging at me and I could do whatever I want. I could make him look silly.

[Embarrass him] (Damien falls over)

[Go easy on him]

(Your choice)

MC: She clearly likes me. I like her too, but do I want to pursue something with her?

[Tell her you like her] (Start of relationship with Bailey. She also leads you to an ofice for fun)

[Keep it friendly]

MC: I doubt I’d consider it on a normal day, but after being interrupted this morning, I just need to do something.

[Visit the nurse] (Have sex with the nurse)

[Go home]

Eden: You’re not hurting any feelings. Tell us the truth.



(Your choice)

MC: Are you one of those guys who only wants us to play with him? Or can we play with each other too?

[Just me] (Eden and Rachael stacked ontop of eachother, you only get to fuck Eden)

[The more the merrier] (Eden sits on Rachael’s face while you fuck her, then you fuck Eden)

(Your choice)

Eden: What do you say [MC]?

[Agree to make a sex tape with Eden] (Will make a sex tape with Eden in later update(s))


MC: Not at all, you’re you. I don’t want you to force anything. I love you how you are.

[Kiss her] (You give Shauna a kiss)

[Don’t kiss her]

MC: Fuck baby…

[Cum inside] (Cum inside Jamie)

[Pull out] (Cum over Jamie’s front)

(Your choice)

MC: I mean… if you want to. It might go a long way for her confidence.

[Help Shauna] (You go to help her masturbate but she cums almost immediately)

[Don’t help Shauna] (She cums by herself)

WVM Day Five Walkthrough (August 30th 2023)

MC: All the sacrifices you’ve made for me… I’ll never forget.

[Kiss her]

[Avoid the kiss]

(Your choice as no incest)

MC: Who do I throw it to?



(Your choice)

Zoe: Do you want me to move it?

[Move her foot]

[Leave it where it is] (She caresses your crotch with her foot and something extra)

MC: Fuck, he switched to me. Ayden should be wide open but I think I can dunk on Dubaku. Set the tone and let them know who I am.

[Dunk on Dubaku]

[Pass to Ayden]

(Your choice)

Tia: It is this year. Last year this was my shower and I come here early so I can use it.

[Tell her to come in] (Results in some fun with her)


Tia: Do I deserve a kiss?

[Kiss her] (Kiss with Tia)

[Not yet]

(Your choice)

MC: She just kissed my cheek…

[Tell her that wasn’t okay] [Let it slide]

(Your choice)

Azel: All I want is to stay with you [MC]. Doesn’t matter where… I don’t care about things or places. I just want to see you live the life that you deserve.

[Kiss her]


(Your choice as no incest)

Zoe: Haha! Your face is so red!

[Play along] (Kiss Zoe, making her blush)

[Move along]

Zoe: There’s something I want to show you.

[Go with her] (Sex with Zoe)

[Keep walking]

WVM Day Six Walkthrough (August 31st 2023)

Penny: And… you can look if you want to…

[Take a peek] (See Penny’s nude body)

[Keep eyes up]

MC: Do you want to check your social media? (Other game shoutouts)

[Yes] (Renders+Shoutout of other games)


Anna: I want you [MC].

[Set up a date with Anna] (She will message you back in the morning)

[Tell her sometime soon]

Alexis: Anyway… text me sometime.

[Text her] (She will text you back in the morning)

[Don’t text her]

MC: Especially when they have an ass like Penelope does.

[Take a peak at her ass] (Look at her ass, results in you being caught by Bailey (good thing))


Moon: It would be for the WVM news. You’d be helping me out a ton.

[Agree to an interview] (To come in later update(s))

[Decline the interview]

(Your choice as no impacting effects)

Penny: Are you leaving now too?

[Stay and chat with Penny for a moment] (Results in her kissing you)

[Go get Natalie and head home]

Jasmine: Would it be cool if I came over to hang out with you and the girls today?

[Invite her over] (Jasmine comes over and if you followed the WT she stays over night)

[Sorry, we’re busy today]

MC: Niece huh? Does that mean she’s Ryker’s sister?

[Say you’ve already met] (Charles didn’t know)

[Pretend you’re meeting for the first time]

Katie: Tell me you don’t want this and I’ll stop.

[Okay,but quick] (Sex with Katie in the party room)

[Not now Katie]

MC: I’m going to cum too… fuck. Where should I finish?

[Cum inside]

[Pull out]

(Your choice)

Skye: Want to know anything else? If not we can get started.

[Ask him a few questions] (Learn some more information about Skye)

[Get back to basketball]

(Your choice)

Jamie: Could you ever view yourself in a relationship with her or is she more of just a friend to you?

[I’m interested in her] (Interested in Stacy)

[Just friends]

MC: We’re on good terms now. I’ll explain it all later but I’m going to help her out with something.

[I’m interested in her] (Interested in Kimmy)

[Just friends]

Jamie: Imagine Jasmine was single. Would you want to date her?

[Yes] (Interested in Jasmine)


MC: Should I take it with me?

[Take it]

[Leave it]

(Your choice)

MC: Oh… Well what do you want me to do now?

[Call me Daddy]

[Don’t ask her and move on]

(Your choice)

Bailey: However rough you want to get.

[Choke her]

[Don’t choke her]

(Your choice)

MC: I’m cumming too Bailey!

[Cum inside]

[Pull out]

(Your choice)

Liz: [MC]. If Jamie was okay with it would you date me?

[Yes] (Interested in Liz)

[Tell her you can’t answer her]

WVM Day Seven Walkthrough (September 1st 2023)

Bailey: My family…

[It’s okay if you like Rain] (She does say that Rain must be okay with bailey being with you)

[Keep Bailey for yourself]

(Your choice as currently no effects)

MC: I could say fuck it and go for a kiss… or play it safe.

[Kiss her] (She’s happy about it)

[Play it safe]

Rachael: FUCK!!!

[Cum inside her]

[Pull out]

(Your choice)

Mackenzie: Have a preference?




(Your choice)

Mabel: Everyone needs a little thigh rub from someone like you every now and then.

[Flirt with her] (Results in some fun involving handcuffs later on)

[Move on with your day]

Zoe: Mmmmm… hold on. I’m so close.

[Keep fucking her (cum inside)]

[Pull out]

(Your choice)

Tia: Because it’s kind of working.

[Tell her you’ll get condoms]

[Tell her you won’t get condoms]

(Your choice)

MC: You’re right mom.

[Kiss Azel]

[Don’t kiss Azel]

(Your choice as no incest)

Shauna: What’s your favorite thing about me?




(Your choice)

Shauna: Do you like being called daddy? Just playfully.

[You can call me whatever] (Shauna calls you daddy)

[Let’s stick with [MC]] (Shauna calls you by your name)

(Your choice)

Shauna: I’m cumming again!!

[Pull out]


(Your choice)

Jamie: Yeah [MC], are you?

[Commit to a date with Tali in the future] (Interested in Tali)

[Avoid a direct answer]

Willow: You don’t like my pajamas?

[I like it when you wear cuter things]

[I don’t have a preference / whatever you’d like to wear]

(Your choice)

Rachael: She doesn’t know how to swim though…

[I can teach her how to swim] (You will teach Tali to swim in future update(s))

[I know some girls that could teach her.]

Azel: Recently she has. But I just want to make sure you don’t think it’s weird if I did ask you if this dress is too revealing or if I’m just overreacting.

[Look] (Look at Azel’s Cleavage)

[Don’t look]

(Your choice as no incest)

Zoe: What do you want us to do now?

[Ask them to kiss each other] (Zoe and Bailey tongue kiss)

[Start with a blowjob]

(Your choice)

MC: Here it comes!

[Cum inside her] (Creampie Liz then facials to all 3 girls)

[Tell her to turn around] (Facials to all 3 girls)

(Your choice)

Unknown Reporter: Is there anything you want to say about the surprise game on Monday?

[Respond] (Media +1)

[No comment]

(Your choice as no effects so far)

Unknown Reporter: Do you think you’ll win? (If you responded before)

[Respond] (Media +1)

[No comment]

MC: Ahh, they know the camera is on me right now. I’ll play into it. Which one should I pick up?

[Pick Eden up] (Eden +1)

[Pick Hannah up] (Hannah +1)

(Your choice)

Unknown Reporter: [MC]! Is there anything you’d like to say to your fans out there tonight who may be confused about what’s going on?

[Respond] (Media +1, if Media = 3 the reporter helps to get your message out)

[Keep your head down and keep walking]

Day Eight-Nine (September 2nd-3rd 2023)

Azel: Of course I can honey. Do you want me to cook anything for you today? Or we can just order something later.

[Ask for pizza]

[Ask for chicken]

(Your choice)

Jamie: They all are.

[Listen to Kimmys interview] (Kimmy +1)

[Don’t pay attention]

Shauna: So you’re telling me that if all 4 of them were in this room right now begging for it, you wouldn’t have sex with them?

[I would] (Sharing (Group Sex) +1)

[I don’t think so]

(Your choice)

Stacy: I’d really like that.

[Kiss Her] (Stacy becomes your girlfriend)

[Keep your relationship playful]

MC: Holy shit, I’m so close too.

[Cum inside her] (Liz Creampie +1, Edging Fail)

[Pull out and cum] (Edging Fail)

[Hold back and don’t cum]

(Your choice)

Mackenzie: I could message you when one of them DM’s you so you can reply to them without having to keep up with it… and you can block me from viewing them.

[Have her message you]

[Tell her you’re not interested]

(Your choice as no effects yet)

Mabel: But then again… maybe a blowjob?

[Push for the blowjob] (Not from Mabel but from her friend)

[Respect her decision to go slow]

Mabel: So should I call up my friend or no? She’s short, curvy, and in her 30’s.

[Accept] (Sex with Mabels friend called Yen)



[Cum inside her] (Creampie, Edging Fail)

[Pull out and cum] (Edging Fail)

[Don’t cum]

Yen: That felt even better than I thought it would. I’m here at night almost every night… if you ever want to do this again…

[Kiss Her] (Interested in Yen)

[Let it be a one time thing]

MC: With her being around the school at night… she could make for a good casual post workout partner.

[Give her a spank] (Spank dat ass)

[Don’t spank her]

Harper: I’m sorry [MC].

[Hug her back]

[Go to the showers] (You monster)

MC: Though… it’s a bit distracting. But I’ll get used to it.

[Take a peek] (Peek at Skye’s tits)

[Don’t peek]

Jamie: Would you rather have a boy or a girl?



(Your choice)

Willabelle: But if you’re not comfortable with it we can always just hire people to clean and find new roles for them.

[Keep Kimmy and Penelope As Maids] (Who doesn’t want to see them in sexy maid uniforms?)

[Hire New Maids]

Talismah: Mhmmm.

[Give Talismah a kiss on the cheek] (Tali +2)

[Give Talismah a kiss on the forehead] (Tali +1)

[Give Talismah a hug]

Your Thoughts: It might be best just to tell her.

[Keep the prank going]

[Just tell Elizabeth the truth]

(Your choice as no known outcome but either way seems she find out on Day 10)

Your Thoughts: We could probably sneak in there for a moment. I couldn’t do much except tease her for now though.

[Push Rachael into the closet] (Leads to a sexy makeout session, that Ruby interrupts)

[Just give her a kiss]

Ruby: Yeah? You should come to the shelter sometime. You may find an animal you like… you could help me walk some dogs if you ever have time.

[Agree to helpRuby at the animal shelter sometime] (Duh…)

[Say you’ve been to busy] (Cold hearted bitch)

Your Thoughts: Oh Harp is standing on her own and she seems worried… I should talk to her for a minute… but I do need to find Jamie.

[Stop and talk to Harper]

[Keep walking outside] (You really are a cold hearted bitch cunt)


[Cum inside her] (Edging Fail)

[Pull out and cum] (Edging Fail)

[Hold back from cumming] (Edging)

(Your Choice)

Moon: First I’d like to ask… how are you enjoying WVM so far?

[Im loving it. Everyone has been really friendly] (Media +1, Staff +1)

[I’m a little homesick]

Moon: It’s been confirmed that you will not be playing tomorrow… that must be rough.

[Agree with the coach’s decision] (A lot of positive stats that i can’t be bothered to write)

[Say you’re disappointed in the decision]

Moon: There’s no history of you having problems with teammates. What was different?

[Air out some of your issues with Ryker] (Media +1)

[Keep things to yourself] (Willabelle +1, Rachael +1)

(Your choice, no known effects)

Moon: Do you care to comment on that?

[Talk a little smack] (Media +1)

[Let the actions on the court talk for you] (Player +1, Harper +1)

(Your choice, no known effects)

Your Thoughts: Woah…Penny

[Feed into Penny’s crazier side] (Penny becomes dedicated)

[Get her to calm down a bit]

(Your Choice)

Your Thoughts: Should I stop or should I make her cum?

[Finish Her] (Brittany hangs up)

[Stop before she cums] (Brittany has probably the best orgasm shes ever had)

WVM Walkthrough (Loyal Path)

Day One (August 26th 2023)

Jamie: Oh yeah? Did seeing this outfit make your entire day?

[You make my everyday] (Results in a kiss)

[Not Yet]

Shauna: So please promise me that you’ll let me handle my own battles. I don’t want you to have to worry about me.

[Agree to stay out of it]

[Decline and say you’re there for her]

(Your choice)

Jamie: That’s fair. But when you’re ready we will find you your own [MC]

[There’s only one of me]

[You’ll find someone easily]

(Your choice)

MC: Should I take a closer look?

[Check her out]

[Don’t check her out]

MC: This is a simple enough shot. I could make it if I wanted to. Or I could miss it to see what she can come up with.

[Make it]

[Miss it] (Shauna dares you to slap Jamie’s ass which happens in later days)

(Your choice as it happens either way)

MC: Oh man, she put the idea of smacking asses into my head. Now I have a prime opportunity to smack hers. Should I take it?

[Smack her ass]

[Just pick her up]

MC: Should I? I could just pocket the extra and have it for later.

[Buy Shauna some earrings] (You buy shauna a pair of earrings)

[Pocket the extra cash]

MC: Of course not. I’m happy you told me. I just want to say that…

[Tell her you have feelings for her]

[Nicely tell her you’re not interested]

Rachael: Ahh, I see. Do you have any side girls? Are you loyal to her?

[Yes I’m loyal to her]

[So far]

(Your choice)

Rachael: What do you say?

[Agree to have casual sex]

[Its too risky/immoral]

Liz: I haven’t seen you in a few weeks. Can I get a hug?



(Your choice)

Day Two (August 27th 2023)

MC: Damien was real cool with me though. I can tell her that I don’t know or I can cover for Damien.

[Cover For Damien]

[Tell her the truth] (Makes it easier to pursue a relationship in the future with Jasmine)

Jasmine: Thank you for telling me the truth though. (If you told her the truth)

[Hit on her]

[Move on]

MC: Here we go…

[‘Coach’ Harper]

[‘Mrs’ Harper] (She may act slightly annoyed till she realizes it’s you)

(Your choice)

Harper: I don’t think I’ve stopped smiling since you walked through those doors.

[Compliment her smile] (Smiley Harper)

[There’s plenty to smile about]

(Technically your choice as there’s no negative effects)

Azel: Ha, fair. I’ll get everything I need while we are out. What would you like?



(Your choice)

Zoe: So does that mean you’re not going to do it?

[Have sex with Liz]

[I can’t do it]

Damien: How are you liking life here so far at WVM [MC]?

[It’s great so far]

[Still getting used to it]

(Your choice)

MC: It’s fine Natalie. I’ve been hurt way worse before. It’s just a part of the game.

[Crack a joke] (Natalie won’t realize you are making a joke)

[Reafirm that it’s okay]

(Your choice)

Natalie: Okay.. Is it okay if I come by your practice tomorrow? Just to check on you?

[Sure, I don’t mind] (Nat will come to your practice)

[I’m going to be fine, there’s no need] (Nat won’t appear at practice)

MC: I need to stop thinking about it and just decide.

[Try to contact her] (You will call Rachael to help find your mom)

[Leave it be]

MC: He’s a cute little guy

[Pet the dog]

[Keep walking] (Fucking Asshole)

Liz: I guess I just want something like that.

[Kiss Her]

[Give her a hug]

Shauna: I’ll see you soon, I’ll be upstairs.

[Help Liz out]

[Leave her trapped]

(Your choice)

Day Three (August 28th 2023)

Stacy: But he was weird. I was scared he was going to try something. He kept forcing compliments, calling me cute and sweet.

[Compliment her] (Stacy doesn’t mind when you’re complimenting her)

[Move conversation along]

Azel: Good luck honey. Show them all what you were born to do.

[Give her a goodbye kiss] (Allows for future kisses)

[Give her a hug]

(Your choice since no incest)

Charles: They got you didn’t they?

[Get hot] (Results with a telling off from Charles later on)

[Stay cool]

(Your choice)

Unknown Girl: Cat got your tongue? What do you think?

[Excuse yourself]

[See where it goes]

MC: What’s Emiko doing out here? She looks sad. Should I talk to her?

[Talk to Emiko] (She likes you more and maybe even crushing on you. Also results in a incident)

[Keep walking]

Jasmine: Do you think I should break up with Damien?



(Your choice doesn’t have any efects)

MC: Yeah, that’s not gonna work for me.

[Pull her on top of you]

[Push her down and get on top of her]

(Your choice)

Jamie: Not wrestle. Something soft. Put your hand on her leg or something.

[Do it] (Rests her hand on yours)

[Don’t do it]

Natalie: That sucks. I wish you could stay longer. I was having fun.

[Ask her to hang out with you sometime] (Asking Nat to hang out leaves her speechless)

[Keep it friendly]

Day Four (August 29th 2023)

Damien: Sorry about that, stuff came up. I heard you three had a good time though.

[Confront him] (Jasmine hears and thanks you with a hug)

[Reach out as a friend]

Ayden: A few years… I guess I’m a little rusty.

[Joke around]

[Be a good teammate]

(Your choice)

MC: Like right now, he’s charging at me and I could do whatever I want. I could make him look silly.

[Embarrass him] (Damien falls over)

[Go easy on him]

(Your choice)

MC: She clearly likes me. I like her too, but do I want to pursue something with her?

[Tell her you like her] (Start of relationship with Bailey. She also leads you to an ofice for fun)

[Keep it friendly]

MC: I doubt I’d consider it on a normal day, but after being interrupted this morning, I just need to do something.

[Visit the nurse] (Have sex with the nurse)

[Go home]

MC: Not at all, you’re you. I don’t want you to force anything. I love you how you are.

[Kiss her] (You give Shauna a kiss)

[Don’t kiss her]

MC: Fuck baby…

[Cum inside] (Cum inside Jamie)

[Pull out] (Cum over Jamie’s front)

(Your choice)

MC: I mean… if you want to. It might go a long way for her confidence.

[Help Shauna] (You go to help her masturbate but she cums almost immediately)

[Don’t help Shauna] (She cums by herself)

Day Five (August 30th 2023)

MC: All the sacrifices you’ve made for me… I’ll never forget.

[Kiss her]

[Avoid the kiss]

(Your choice as no incest)

MC: Who do I throw it to?



(Your choice)

Zoe: Do you want me to move it?

[Move her foot]

[Leave it where it is] (She caresses your crotch with her foot and something extra)

MC: Fuck, he switched to me. Ayden should be wide open but I think I can dunk on Dubaku. Set the tone and let them know who I am.

[Dunk on Dubaku]

[Pass to Ayden]

(Your choice)

Tia: It is this year. Last year this was my shower and I come here early so I can use it.

[Tell her to come in] (Results in some fun with her)


Tia: Do I deserve a kiss?

[Kiss her] (Kiss with Tia)

[Not yet]

(Your choice)

MC: She just kissed my cheek…

[Tell her that wasn’t okay]

[Let it slide]

(Your choice)

Rachael: But it’s up to you.

[Accept] (Impregnate different women called Rachael Clients)


Azel: All I want is to stay with you [MC]. Doesn’t matter where… I don’t care about things or places. I just want to see you live the life that you deserve.

[Kiss her]


(Your choice as no incest)

Zoe: Haha! Your face is so red!

[Play along] (Kiss Zoe, making her blush)

[Move along]

Zoe: There’s something I want to show you.

[Go with her] (Sex with Zoe)

[Keep walking]

Day Six (August 31st 2023)

Penny: And… you can look if you want to…

[Take a peek] (See Penny’s nude body)

[Keep eyes up]

MC: Do you want to check your social media? (Other game shoutouts)

[Yes] (Renders+Shoutout of other games)


Alexis: Anyway… text me sometime.

[Text her] (She will text you back in the morning)

[Don’t text her]

MC: Especially when they have an ass like Penelope does.

[Take a peek at her ass] (Look at her ass, results in you being caught by Bailey (good thing))


Moon: It would be for the WVM news. You’d be helping me out a ton.

[Agree to an interview] (To come in later update(s))

[Decline the interview]

(Your choice as no impacting effects)

Penny: Are you leaving now too?

[Stay and chat with Penny for a moment] (Results in her kissing you)

[Go get Natalie and head home]

Jasmine: Would it be cool if I came over to hang out with you and the girls today?

[Invite her over] (Jasmine comes over and if you followed the WT she stays over night)

[Sorry, we’re busy today]

MC: Niece huh? Does that mean she’s Ryker’s sister?

[Say you’ve already met] (Charles didn’t know)

[Pretend you’re meeting for the first time]

Katie: Tell me you don’t want this and I’ll stop.

[Okay,but quick] (Sex with Katie in the party room)

[Not now Katie]

MC: I’m going to cum too… fuck. Where should I finish?

[Cum inside]

[Pull out]

(Your choice)

Skye: Want to know anything else? If not we can get started.

[Ask him a few questions] (Learn some more information about Skye)

[Get back to basketball]

(Your choice)

Jamie: Could you ever view yourself in a relationship with her or is she more of just a friend to you?

[I’m interested in her] (Interested in Stacy)

[Just friends]

MC: We’re on good terms now. I’ll explain it all later but I’m going to help her out with something.

[I’m interested in her] (Interested in Kimmy)

[Just friends]

Jamie: Imagine Jasmine was single. Would you want to date her?

[Yes] (Interested in Jasmine)


MC: Should I take it with me?

[Take it]

[Leave it]

(Your choice)

MC: Oh… Well what do you want me to do now?

[Call me Daddy]

[Don’t ask her and move on]

(Your choice)

Bailey: However rough you want to get.

[Choke her]

[Don’t choke her]

(Your choice)

MC: I’m cumming too Bailey!

[Cum inside]

[Pull out]

(Your choice)

Liz: [MC]. If Jamie was okay with it would you date me?

[Yes] (Interested in Liz)

[Tell her you can’t answer her]

Day Seven (September 1st 2023)

Bailey: My family…

[It’s okay if you like Rainn] (She does say that Rainn must be okay with bailey being with you)

[Keep Bailey for yourself]

(Your choice as currently no effects)

Rachael: We’re in an alley… come on. I’m horny.

[Have sex with her] (Have car sex with Rachael)

[Decline her advances]

Rachael: FUCK!!!

[Cum inside her]

[Pull out]

(Your choice)

Mackenzie: Have a preference?




(Your choice)

Mabel: Everyone needs a little thigh rub from someone like you every now and then.

[Flirt with her] (Results in some fun involving handcuffs later on)

[Move on with your day]

Zoe: Mmmmm… hold on. I’m so close.

[Keep fucking her (cum inside)]

[Pull out]

(Your choice)

Tia: Because it’s kind of working.

[Tell her you’ll get condoms]

[Tell her you won’t get condoms]

(Your choice)

MC: You’re right mom.

[Kiss Azel]

[Don’t kiss Azel]

(Your choice as no incest)

Shauna: What’s your favorite thing about me?




(Your choice)

Shauna: Do you like being called daddy? Just playfully.

[You can call me whatever] (Shauna calls you daddy)

[Let’s stick with [MC]] (Shauna calls you by your name)

(Your choice)

Shauna: I’m cumming again!!

[Pull out]


(Your choice)

Jamie: Yeah [MC], are you?

[Commit to a date with Tali in the future] (Interested in Tali)

[Avoid a direct answer]

Willow: You don’t like my pajamas?

[I like it when you wear cuter things]

[I don’t have a preference / whatever you’d like to wear]

(Your choice)

Rachael: She doesn’t know how to swim though…

[I can teach her how to swim] (You will teach Tali to swim in future update(s))

[I know some girls that could teach her.]

Azel: Recently she has. But I just want to make sure you don’t think it’s weird if I did ask you if this dress is too revealing or if I’m just overreacting.

[Look] (Look at Azel’s Cleavage)

[Don’t look]

(Your choice as no incest)

Zoe: What do you want us to do now?

[Ask them to kiss each other] (Zoe and Bailey tongue kiss)

[Start with a blowjob]

(Your choice)

MC: Here it comes!

[Cum inside her] (Creampie Liz then facials to all 3 girls)

[Tell her to turn around] (Facials to all 3 girls)

(Your choice)

Unknown Reporter: Is there anything you want to say about the surprise game on Monday?

[Respond] (Media +1)

[No comment]

(Your choice as no effects so far)

Unknown Reporter: Do you think you’ll win? (If you responded before)

[Respond] (Media +1)

[No comment]

MC: Ahh, they know the camera is on me right now. I’ll play into it. Which one should I pick up?

[Pick Eden up] (Eden +1)

[Pick Hannah up] (Hannah +1)

(Your choice)

Unknown Reporter: [MC]! Is there anything you’d like to say to your fans out there tonight who may be confused about what’s going on?

[Respond] (Media +1, if Media = 3 the reporter helps to get your message out)

[Keep your head down and keep walking]

Day Eight-Nine (September 2nd-3rd 2023)

Azel: Of course I can honey. Do you want me to cook anything for you today? Or we can just order something later.

[Ask for pizza]

[Ask for chicken]

(Your choice)

Jamie: They all are.

[Listen to Kimmys interview] (Kimmy +1)

[Don’t pay attention]

Shauna: So you’re telling me that if all 4 of them were in this room right now begging for it, you wouldn’t have sex with them?

[I would] (Sharing (Group Sex) +1)

[I don’t think so]

(Your choice)

Stacy: I’d really like that.

[Kiss Her] (Stacy becomes your girlfriend)

[Keep your relationship playful]

MC: Holy shit, I’m so close too.

[Cum inside her] (Liz Creampie +1, Edging Fail)

[Pull out and cum] (Edging Fail)

[Hold back and don’t cum]

(Your choice)

Mackenzie: I could message you when one of them DM’s you so you can reply to them without having to keep up with it… and you can block me from viewing them.

[Have her message you]

[Tell her you’re not interested]

(Your choice as no effects yet)

Mabel: But then again… maybe a blowjob?

[Push for the blowjob] (Not from Mabel but from her friend)

[Respect her decision to go slow]

Mabel: So should I call up my friend or no? She’s short, curvy, and in her 30’s.

[Accept] (Sex with Mabels friend called Yen)



[Cum inside her] (Creampie, Edging Fail)

[Pull out and cum] (Edging Fail)

[Don’t cum]

Yen: That felt even better than I thought it would. I’m here at night almost every night… if you ever want to do this again…

[Kiss Her] (Interested in Yen)

[Let it be a one time thing]

MC: With her being around the school at night… she could make for a good casual post workout partner.

[Give her a spank] (Spank dat ass)

[Don’t spank her]

Harper: I’m sorry [MC].

[Hug her back]

[Go to the showers] (You monster)

MC: Though… it’s a bit distracting. But I’ll get used to it.

[Take a peek] (Peek at Skye’s tits)

[Don’t peek]

Jamie: Would you rather have a boy or a girl?



(Your choice)

Willabelle: But if you’re not comfortable with it we can always just hire people to clean and find new roles for them.

[Keep Kimmy and Penelope As Maids] (Who doesn’t want to see them in sexy maid uniforms?)

[Hire New Maids]

Talismah: Mhmmm.

[Give Talismah a kiss on the cheek] (Tali +2)

[Give Talismah a kiss on the forehead] (Tali +1)

[Give Talismah a hug]

Your Thoughts: It might be best just to tell her.

[Keep the prank going]

[Just tell Elizabeth the truth]

(Your choice as no known outcome but either way seems she find out on Day 10)

Your Thoughts: We could probably sneak in there for a moment. I couldn’t do much except tease her for now though.

[Push Rachael into the closet] (Leads to a sexy makeout session, that Ruby interrupts)

[Just give her a kiss]

Ruby: Yeah? You should come to the shelter sometime. You may find an animal you like… you could help me walk some dogs if you ever have time.

[Agree to helpRuby at the animal shelter sometime] (Duh…)

[Say you’ve been to busy] (Cold hearted bitch)

Your Thoughts: Oh Harp is standing on her own and she seems worried… I should talk to her for a minute… but I do need to find Jamie.

[Stop and talk to Harper]

[Keep walking outside] (You really are a cold hearted bitch cunt)


[Cum inside her] (Edging Fail)

[Pull out and cum] (Edging Fail)

[Hold back from cumming] (Edging)

(Your Choice)

Moon: First I’d like to ask… how are you enjoying WVM so far?

[Im loving it. Everyone has been really friendly] (Media +1, staff +1)

[I’m a little homesick]

Moon: It’s been confirmed that you will not be playing tomorrow… that must be rough.

[Agree with the coach’s decision] (A lot of positive stats that i can’t be bothered to write)

[Say you’re disappointed in the decision]

Moon: There’s no history of you having problems with teammates. What was different?

[Air out some of your issues with Ryker] (Media +1)

[Keep things to yourself] (Willabelle +1, Rachael +1)

(Your choice, no known effects)

Moon: Do you care to comment on that?

[Talk a little smack] (Media +1)

[Let the actions on the court talk for you] (Player +1, Harper +1)

(Your choice, no known effects)

Your Thoughts: Woah…Penny

[Feed into Penny’s crazier side] (Penny becomes dedicated)

[Get her to calm down a bit]

(Your Choice)

Your Thoughts: Should I stop or should I make her cum?

[Finish Her] (Brittany hangs up)

[Stop before she cums] (Brittany has probably the best orgasm shes ever had)

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