Mad Island Gameplay Basics For Beginners – After the extra fun mode cheats, This new guide will help beginners get familiar with the basics which includes keyboard controls and lot more.
Mad Island Gameplay Basics For Beginners
Just try moving your mouse and perform some actions using the keyboard.
〇 Mouse control
Follow the direction of your cursor, while you left click the mouse button.
Click on an enemy or item to zoom in on the target you clicked on and attack or use it.Try messing with the camera by dragging your mouse wheel, you will see how it keeps moving.
Turn the mouse wheel to move the camera back and forth (zoom)
Checking inventory position
Left click: move item, drop item from inventory and drop item
Right-click: Consumables, equipment, construction items, etc. can be used by right-clicking. You can also right click to summon an NPC after feeding.
Shift & Right Click: Use food and consumables 10 times in a row
You can quickly transfer items by using Shift and left-clicking on an item while the chest is open.
〇 Keyboard Control Keys
W/A/S/D – Move
Shift + Move – Run
Space – attack on location (target or direction of mouse cursor)
E – Focus on nearby subjects
F – Heavy Attack (Available only on weapon equipment, aims in the direction of the target or in the direction of the mouse cursor if no target is targeted)
R – Grapple (male character only) After grappling, click left or right to shrink the stun rod, then R again to cancel.
Switch X run
Q – gesture
T – If the slot with the mouse cursor is an animal object, disassemble it
H – Drops an item into a slot with the mouse cursor on the ground
Ctrl + Click If your property (building or NPC) is in a buildable area, you can work with it even if you are far away
Number Keys Use inventory item (slot on the left is 1)
M – Map
ESC – Pause
TAB – Show/hide menu
■Debug commands
While playing, press Enter and enter commands in the input field that appears in the lower left.
■How to change main character
Click on the main character you don’t control and press the switch
■ Feeding natives and animals
You can feed NPCs by stunning them and then placing them in a cage with their favorite food.
When the love state (pink number) is at its maximum, they can be summoned as a friendly NPC.
■About sex scenes
If you want to see all the game characters or access the sex scenes, just click on “Preview” on the menu screen.
A female character can be grabbed and attacked after being knocked down by an enemy.
Always keep an eye on the stun bar (white gauge) because once it runs out due to grab attack, your character get raped.
You can communicate with natives you have befriended and have sex with them by selecting “Conversation” → “Invite”.
After “Invite” you have to select a bed.
A male character can rape a native female by approaching her and pressing the R key.
After grabbing with R, click repeatedly to remove the stun rod and it will turn into a rape animation.
If you approach a native sleeping in a house at night and press R, a night crawl animation will appear.
When befriended NPCs are placed within range of each other, their love status increases according to their affinity with each other.
NPCs who like each other will have sex in beds nearby.
■ About the event
The event will occur at the location of the diamond marker shown on the map.
Red is for a female character only, blue is for a male character only, and green is for both male and female characters to start the event.
In green events, the conversation between male and female characters may differ slightly.
■ Character customization
NPCs who became friends, customizable with equipment and gear.
■Level Up and Skill Up
Click on the star icon in the lower right corner to open status, level up and skills.
When a friend NPC is selected, the status of the friend NPC will also be displayed.
■ About crafts
Click the hammer icon in the lower left corner to open the crafting window.
When interacting with a workbench, the content of the crafting window is updated with the items that can be created on each workbench.
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Written By: Emadeplus