Dice & Fold Gameplay Strategy Guide

Dice & Fold Gameplay Strategy Guide
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Dice & Fold Gameplay Strategy – This is a basic guide to some general strategies to use in order to win consistently in normal mode and have a better chance of winning hard without constantly rebuilding or seed hunting.

Dice & Fold Gameplay Strategy Guide

I believe in trying to win every run you are given, resetting to a better seed or starting doesn’t challenge you to the mechanics of the game.

I don’t claim to be a super duper expert, but all I do is I mostly play roguelikes like this and the general concepts in those games carry over from each game.

So far I’ve finished all the characters on normal, almost all on the first try, some on the second.

Hard Mode So far I have completed Jack Queen and King on the first attempt on hard difficulty. I intend it all 100%.

I will go over these concepts because this game is much simpler than most roguelikes and is a very good environment to learn and master these ideas.

Economics, stalling and the most powerful orange die.

This game has a huge problem in the economy.

The ability to buy items is incredibly powerful, there’s a reason why companion abilities that can create items or gold are rarer and more expensive to activate.

For each topic I cover here, I’ll explain some basics and go into depth.

Economics is an important part of this game to really understand and you have to evaluate each trade in terms of cost and loss.

This leads to one of the most important concepts in this game, which is stalling.

By far the most powerful relic in this game is the divine branch, which gives you a rare companion.

A companion is a reward that you won’t get until you survive a few rounds and their abilities can be permanent.

Getting one early in the game means you can snowball much more effectively.

I’m against restarting the game for a good start, but that’s the absolute best strategy with the divine branch.

Finding a companion that you can activate and abuse early on can pack your run almost instantly.

In order of importance at the start of the game.

Also note that depending on your hero’s strength, certain companions can be much better, like King + Blacksmith starting out is an insane value engine.

Any companion that makes money.

Any companion that heals.


Any companion that produces items.

Why? Because our goal is to pack our resources at the beginning when the enemies are easy to control and not extremely threatening to us.

Your first floor is random, but the best early game monster is a 1 damage vulture or a 1 damage raven.

So for each floor we try to stop as much as possible and spend as little life as possible in each reel. This means killing every mob except 1.

Keeping the dice we need to kill them whenever we want, reducing their attack to the lowest possible level and stacking dice to activate our companion that will give us the most money before the dungeon or of life. the master is coming.

This is because when we can stop, we begin to use our health as a resource.

And we start with full and at least 15 depending on your hero.

Heroes who have armor can also stop better, but I’ll talk about armor later.

Think about your resources.

You start with a huge amount of life, another companion and 3 dice slots in your bag.

The enemy takes 1 die to kill and deals 1-3 damage (depending on what mob you get).

There is also a reason why the game has a limited number of turns.

The dungeon master will appear after a set number of dice rolls and it is important that we use up each roll before he arrives.

This means that we get the most cubes on each floor to activate our companions as much as possible and fulfill the gold set requirement so that we have as much money as possible to buy the money earned in the first shop.

This is why the orange dice are the most important dice in the game.

It allows you to take the most important resource you have, which you have plenty of at the beginning of the game, and use it to your best advantage.

Your life pool.

The key is to stop at 5 floor rolls to get enough dice for gold and not drop too low.

The goal is to make a lot of money, then switch to healing companion after the 2nd or 3rd companion offer and continue to generate infinite life because we bought out the store.

So to sum it up

A divine branch for a precious companion.

Earn gold early by stalling and using orange dice to reduce damage so we can stall more.

Use these stopped moves to accumulate dice and complete our gold set on each floor to earn money to buy items that will earn us more money in the early game.

This leads to a much stronger position in fighting later floors and eventually the boss.

For heroes that don’t have a trinket slot, relics that cheapen items are a huge value, or choosing a relic that works best with your hero, either covers where they’re bad or enhances their already good spots. you can focus on it.


Most companions are pretty bad.

Companions that play with the opponent’s dice are pretty bad or even just once per turn.

The counselor, princess, fishermen, monk and spy are all pretty bad and don’t give us any snowball in economy or power.


There are two consistent healers, Bard and Healer, and both are top tier for different reasons.

(Dice & Fold Gameplay Strategy Guide)

Bard allows you to go through levels while maintaining health and increasing our health resources, but it is very difficult to activate, if you have a good hero power like King, Paladin, Kat, Jack, then it is very easy to consistently activate each turn and accumulate life and prevent the enemy from attack.

(Dice & Fold Gameplay Strategy Guide)

The healer is the ultimate healer of the game.

If it is offered after level 15 and we have a consistent money engine, then we can gain a lot of life by stalling and be ready to have as many items and moves as possible to kill the boss.

Money Makers

Money making companions are very different.

The most consistent are Sedlák and Žebrák.

Treasurer is good when you get an Ant Pendent and some sort of +dice roll.

Otherwise, the artifact that activates your companion’s skill every 3 hours with a die is incredibly powerful when we stop.


(Dice & Fold Gameplay Strategy Guide)

Seer deserves its own section because it’s incredibly powerful, but requires a floor to activate to get started.

(Dice & Fold Gameplay Strategy Guide)

Using the seer will complete the monster dice slot on the NEXT floor.

However, it STACKS. If you use seer power 4 times on this floor, 4 random dice on the next floor will be automatically completed.

This is incredibly powerful because the activation is only 2 odd dice.

This allows us to start the next turn almost immediately, as we won’t have to spend dice killing monsters at the beginning, since most monsters are immediately detonated.

Killing a monster takes an average of 3-4 dice rolls.

The Seer allows you to kill 2 monsters per slot, so you win on average. It also instantly kills large creatures that only have 1 dice slot.

However, we must have a reason for our delay.

Making money with a set of dice is not enough with a fortune teller.

We should have tons of artifacts or items to make money or our hero power is worth spamming if we are going to see.

Seer is also a dead draw before the boss and useless against the last floor boss.

It’s best used after floor 15 for about 5-7 floors because you’ll be rolling enough dice to get her a lot of practice and stuff, but not weak and late enough to matter.

Note that the oracles ability is wasted if you use it before the trade or companion stage.

Item creators

Some of the most expensive companions in the game.

The merchant, cook, and artist are all really good lingering companions.

Being able to craft an item every turn means you get at least 1 gold with each activation if it’s being brewed, or at least 2 with the artist because he’s painting a rare item.

The merchant requires timing so you can use it when you have less than 5 silver to maximize its value.

We stop again to activate our dice set and use our hero as much as possible.

Orange dice and seduction

Seducer is a very good companion if we are getting items or have a hero power worth stopping. Completing a set of dice is also nice for gold each turn.

However, orange dice are incredibly powerful and always worth saving if you don’t need them.

Having 3 or 4 orange dice for a boss can effectively convert most bosses to a pitiful 1 damage attacking boss every turn and give you all the time you need to maximize value.

This is why we stop to roll as many dice as possible and choose the best dice to take with us to be in an even better position to stop and roll more rice on the next floor.


We are specifically looking for a few items. In order of importance:

Anything that heals or triggers when we use skills.

Anything that passively sums us up with silver or gold.

Any item that has after X rolls.

The items that give us bonus dice rolls are incredibly rare and sometimes ineffective, so they’re only worth it if you already have enough gold.

These items are essential for survival, multiples of them will allow you to constantly browse.

(Dice & Fold Gameplay Strategy Guide)

– When your companion is hit, you are healed. (Heart Shaped Box)

– Every start of the stage you heal. (strawberries)

– When you use a skill, your companion is healed. (Blue Medal)

– Every time you roll X, your companions skill becomes available. (formless key)

– (sage tea)

– (exile fan)

– (Battle Axe)

– (Pickpocket’s Fake Stone) is the absolute pinnacle of delaying money making strategies.

-(Rusty locket)

It’s nice to have things that help us.

Anything that increases the amount of colored dice.

Specifically blue and orange.

Health dice aren’t that important because there are plenty of things that allow us to build up health if we stand correctly.

Items we start buying once we earn at least 2-4 gold per stage.

Hammers, garlic, and increasing the value of our dice are decent options if we’ve oversold the trade.

I recommend not flipping the trade when it costs more than 40% of the total amount of gold you have.

Items to watch out for but can win instantly:

Crystal tooth

The Crystal Tooth gives us a lot of extra dice on every roll at the expense of enemies who no longer roll coins. This is only a problem if we don’t have a money engine setup.

Ronin’s Headband.

If you get a healer as your rare companion at the start of the floor and you get it offered in the first shop, it’s very likely you’ll take it immediately.

The value of 12 gold before the 2nd trade far exceeds any value we can place on anything else.

If we also have a Bard, it’s probably an instant choice.

Having 12 gold so early means we can enter our 2nd shop with almost 20 gold if we hold off on unloading dice and can buy all the healing and money making items we need to get our engine up and running as quickly as possible.

it got snowballs. management.

All we have to do is keep our healer alive until we can activate them freely on every roll. (Nerfed to 10, still worth it.)

Suspicious potion.

It is absolutely broken.

The passive income of half a gold each floor is often about 50% of the silver you would get from monsters, already at the cost of 3 extra value on dice value monsters.

That’s hardly something when we stop and roll dice and activate our companions with every roll.

Imperial eggs

Crazy good early before we can really stop. It will break our stand needed when we only have 2 or 3 dice in turn.

Guardians of the gates of Obol

That’s usually a lot of free money. We usually buy 2-3 items in each store.

Often this item will net me 10+ gold.

It probably needs to be cut out of the game honestly because it’s the biggest snowball in the game for the most important and consistent strategy in the game.

Goblin Wallet

A very powerful item and often very cheap.

There’s a reason there’s an entire trinket slot item that duplicates this item ability.

Changing silver requirements to produce gold is an incredibly high return value, especially if you get more than 1.

This is a roguelike, you won’t get everything you want, and you won’t be able to implement exactly the strategy you want.

(Dice & Fold Gameplay Strategy Guide)

At this stage of the game, you need to be able to recognize what is good for you, and this guide is only meant to help you see the value in things you may not be aware of. But start with a question:

“Is it worth clicking the roll button again?”

For example, my first game of King on hard mode, I got a blacksmith as a divine branch companion and spammed him hard every turn.

However, I wasn’t getting any healing and the blacksmith hitting me for 2 every turn was starting to hurt.

I also wasn’t given any healing items that happen when rolling dice or using skills, so I had to save.

Instead, I got a few copies of the Goblin Dice bag, which reduced the cost of silver to convert to gold by 1.

I had 4, so I only needed 6 silver to make gold.

After that I bought items that generated silver more often and every time I was able to buy out the shops to stay alive by buying items that gave me +heal dice and buying things like clubs or hunger bags for healing.

(Dice & Fold Gameplay Strategy Guide)

I saw an Ant necklace that made all my starting rolls a 6.

Then I saw an item that folds a random enemy when you roll triple something.

I was then able to turn 1 regularly kill 3 out of 4 mobs and reduce my damage by huge amounts as well as stall a lot more.

Once I could stall again, it was easy to win the game when I could have all the resources I wanted.

Thanks for reading our post on Dice & Fold Gameplay Strategy, make sure always to drop comments, and don’t also forget that suggestions are allowed.

Written By: Wassermelone

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