Shin Megami Tensei V Vengeance Guide

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Shin Megami Tensei V Vengeance Guide – This is a beginner guide covering boss defeat, affinities, and buffs.

Shin Megami Tensei V Vengeance Guide

1. Make sure you have a supply of dampers.

Make sure to use them in boss fights whenever the boss gains power.

A lot of times they will use their strongest move at this point, so it never hurts to place a damper of this type to waste the boss’s move (Like Hydra, it will use toxic breath, which is a dark move during the magatsuhi move.

Use a dark damper and you won’t take any damage.)

2. Make sure you Fuse often and don’t attach yourself with demons.

Fusion is the best way to keep up with the game.

You can maintain the moves you want, you have a wide assortment of demons that tend to have higher stats and better resistances than you currently have, and relatively soon you gain the ability to transfer boosts and stat levels when you merge. .

This isn’t Pokemon, it’s generally not a good idea to keep an early game demon until late game unless you want to face off.

3. Change affinities as needed.

Most bosses specialize in an element or two, try to find essences that resist or at least aren’t weak to what you’re fighting.

A good example is Daemon for Hydra, as it resists fire and is immune to darkness, so the main character doesn’t have to worry about some of Hydra’s strongest moves.

4. Don’t forget the fans! (And debuffs).

SMT is a game series where buffs and debuffs matter, no enemy is immune to it and they are guaranteed to hit.

In general, it’s better to debuff early game due to the lack of multi target buffs, not to mention that a boss debuff will affect your entire party.

Ailments are also important, while most bosses are resistant to all ailments, almost none are immune to all.

If you have a spare turn, you can also go for a seal, spell, or sleep to make things a lot easier.

5. Magatsuhi. Critical is strong, but not the only one.

Feel free to experiment a bit, some are better than others, but almost none are completely useless. Make sure you get the talisman first if you want a race specific ability.

You’ll find talismans from completing quests, collecting Miman, and even talking to regular npc’s, so talk to all of them to be sure.

Later on you get an ability that allows the protagonist to use the Magatsuhi skills of anyone in his active party, so it can be useful to have a wide variety of demons of different races, even for the ability itself.

6. Try your best to avoid your main character having weak/dark weaknesses.

Instant kills do exist in this game, but they generally only have an instant kill chance if you are weak to light or dark.

Your main character is weak to dark by default, so a stray mudo can instantly ruin your run if they happen to kill the process!

I’d recommend switching affinities just to be safe, like if the main character falls, that’s it. Game Over.

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Written By: A New Skylon

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