How to Change Your Villagers’ Personality In Mad Island – A quick guide to changing your villagers’ personalities, likes, and dislikes for a more harmonious village.
How to Change Your Villagers’ Personality In Mad Island
Okay, we’re not going to beat around the bush here and dive right in.
Note that this is for VILLAGES only. Storyline Followers (Reika, Cassie, Mermaid, etc.) cannot be edited.
They will simply return to their original stats.First, manually save the game and note the save slot. I use Save 01.
Second, locate your save in the game folders, for most of these will be the unit name, SteamLibrary, steamapps, common, Mad Island, Mad Island_Data, StreamingAssets, XML
Third, open your save game in whatever text editor you prefer, I use Notepad.
Fourth, use Ctrl+F to open the search bar and either type your villager’s name (this method takes longer depending on how many villagers you have) or simply type charaName and use the arrows on the search bar to jump between villagers.
you are looking for this text:
Note: any villagers you have in cages will be labeled as their base game title, i.e. Native Woman, Native Man, Large Native, etc.
There will be much more to Notepad, but this is the main part we are focusing on. the three <int> values are what we are modifying, from top to bottom they are Personality, Likes, and Dislikes.
I made all my villagers the same.
Personality, good mood (1)
Like-Good-Natured (1)
Dislikes-Churlish (2)
Second note: I haven’t gone through and figured out all the different personality values. I know 1 and 2 because that’s all I care about.
Once you’ve adjusted the values for all your villagers, save your work (click File and then Save. Load your save game and enjoy a loving village.
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